Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Disability Service Provider Fall Conference

Fall Conference
Northern Bridge Networking Dinner

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Fall Conference Northern Bridge Networking Dinner.

This event is founded on the principles of communication and bridging the gaps of service for people with disabilities. As a group of disability service providers we understand the importance of working together and providing as many plausible solutions for those we are committed to serving. Through the networking dinner, we can serve this special population of learners, adults or clients and we can craft a transitional mechanism to serve their needs.

Because we so strongly believe in the people we serve and what we do, Northern Bridge wrote a CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning) grant last spring. This grant would enable us to continue our networking, while addressing the needs of students transitioning into post-secondary education. We received the grant and as part of our goals, we committed to hosting four networking dinners/conferences this year and we are also in the process of writing a booklet that addresses the transitioning process.

We are very excited that we have the opporutnity to continue our efforts and look forward to our future collaborations.

Fall Conference
Northern Bridge Networking Dinner

Thursday October 11, 2007
Proctor Black Woods Convention Center
5:00 - 5:45 Social hour
5:45-6:45 Dinner
6:45-8:00 Meeting/Discussion

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